"The success go though our good friends"

Coopculture is a cooperative operating in the heritage and cultural activities sector in Italy.
CoopCulture is a qualified partner positioned to offer answers and solutions to the increasingly complex needs of a continuously evolving sector, from the perspective of integration between cultural heritage and territory and between culture, tourism and local economy..


VGS is partner for the ticketing and access control solutions. The enthusiasm of the VGS team combined with their expertise and desire for true innovation, makes it a unique group of professionals ready to quickly and accurately respond to our needs 


Connectis collaborates since 1999 with the Public Authorities for the management of official tourist databases and develops web-based applications for the management of public administration portals and private companies. 


MaCoEv  provide mobile app development and design through mobile strategy expertise, user-centered design, and new technology.


Heritage! In addition to the capacity for innovation, cultural sensitivity, knowledge of heritage, intellectual curiosity and the desire to communicate are required. All this is Heritage
Heritage mission is the design and development of innovative fruition models of cultural and documentary heritage with the aim of expanding access to content and the usability of cultural spaces (museums, libraries and archives)


Registered Office :
Via Ferdinando del Carretto 26,
80138 , Naples

Via Sommacampagna 1,
00185, Rome

Corso Francesco Ferrucci, 77/9,
10138, Turin


Email: info@istogramma.it
Phone: +39 081  445993 

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